The Fresha brand is a household name in Kenya. The main products under the brand include Fresh Milk, Long Life Milk, Yoghurt, Fermented milk popularly called Maziwa lala, Butter, Ghee and now Bottled Purified Drinking Water. Initially, Fresha targeted mothers with young children in the LSM (Living Standard Measure) 3 – 7 income groups, who drank tea and resided in urban / peri-urban areas. The essential values that the brand is associated with Real farm freshness – Fresh milk equals Fresha Milk. Fresha is 100% fresh milk no additives. It is of unbeatable value Fresha is Premium rich quality milk one of the best milk brands in the market. Fresha milk is a combination of Friesian and Aryshire milk in equal parts. Fresha packaging has both Friesian and Aryshire cows. Fresha milk is on consumers tables within 10 hours of milking, making Freshas freshness unbeatable. Freshas’ raw milk farmers are amongst the best paid in the country. Fresha was the first dairy to use images of the Friesian and Aryshire cows in full colour as a part of their packaging
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